非華語支援計劃 Education Services for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Students



家長如有查詢,可致電2458 0796 或 電郵:stangelar @yahoo.com

We strive for helping the NCS students to adapt to the local education system and integrate into the community. In 2017, our school has joined the Education Services for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Students. Regarding their common learning and adaptation needs, this scheme provides various education services and support for NCS students, school administrators, teachers and parents. Through this scheme, NCS students and parents can receive the information and resources directly and quickly.

When interviewing NCS children, we as far as possible to arrange interpretation and translation service for the applicants where necessary or allow parents and their children to be accompanied with a Chinese-speaking relative or friend to facilitate communication.

Parent’s have any enquiries, please call 2458 0796 or send Email :stangelar @yahoo.com